Are you getting ready to plan next year?


And you’re opening up that jungle of spreadsheets with endless columns and 1000 disorganised tabs and wondering where you’re supposed to start.


Well you might want to come to this workshop. I’m going to walk you through a simple yet effective and dynamic crop plan spreadsheet.


This is the basic crop planning system I’ve been developing ever since I started working on farms as an apprentice. It is the framework for what we currently use at Tourne-Sol Co-operative Farm.


This workshop is for you if …


  • You're a market gardener (of any scale!) who wants to be profitable and achieve an enjoyable quality of life.
  • You occasionally scream at your computer when you can't get a spreadsheet to do what you think it should be able to do.
  • You hate copy pasting information from one cell to another, over and over.
  • You like systems that logically flow from one place to another
  • You want to save years trying to master your crop plan spreadsheets
  • Or maybe you just love crop planning in all its forms

Whatever your motivations, come on out to …



Build A Better Crop Plan

photo: Sharif Mirshak



What you'll learn in this workshop

  • The Anatomy Of A Crop Plan
  • Common Problems Farmers Have With Their Planning Spreadsheets
  • 3 Cornerstones For Efficient Crop Plan Spreadsheets
  • The Spreadsheet Tool To Solve Almost All Your Spreadsheet Problems (that might actually be a bit over promising - but this tool will definitely improve all of your spreadsheets!)
  • And A Crop Plan Template You Can Use On Your Farm

Meet Your Workshop Guide

Hey there, I’m Dan Brisebois


Farmer by day, spreadsheet maniac by early morning. (Asleep by night)


On a continual quest to keep farm systems simple and give farmers the tools to be able to keep farming.


I want to see soil and seed stewards across the landscape. I think it’s the best way that we can keep communities rooted in the land.


Every month I’m here with another online workshop to bring you systems and spreadsheets to better manage your farm so that you can keep farming!



Here’s are some facts about  where I farm


Tourne-Sol co-operative farm is in Les Cèdres,Québec (that’s in Canada)

Tourne-Sol is a play on the French tournesol which means sunflower. The play on words is that it also means turn the soil.



 The farm runs as a workers coop (I’m one of the founding members)

In 2005 we were 5 coop members. Now we have 7 coop members + 12 non coop members

Non coop members can become members over time



We grow

  • 7 acres of organic vegetables
  • 1 acre of organic seeds
  • 4+ acres in full year cover crops in our rotation cycle
  • There are also a lot of flowers in our fields


In 2005, we had 110 CSA members and 2 farmers markets. Now, we’ve phased out markets and have 500 weekly CSA baskets

In 2005, seed sales were $700. These days we sell more seeds than vegetables - we have an online seed store and seed racks in 150+ stores



This is what the farm looks like now, it is ever changing