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Registration opens again in 2025

Join my new mentorship program today

Here are the details of the first ever Seed Farmer Mentorship!

I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time and am really excited that this is happening.

The core of the mentorship is 6 live virtual meetings. Each meeting will begin with a technical presentation on a seed related topic and Q&A. There will also be a portion of each meeting to exchange with your seed cohort and get support for your seed growing.


Starting With Seed Basics

Right when you sign up you’ll have access to a 26 minute recording on the most important seed biology concepts I want you to be aware of as you get into the mentorship.

If you’re new to growing seed, this will get you set up on the right foot.

If you’re a more experienced seed grower, this will be a review of the core concepts that you’ll keep coming back to throughout your seed work.



Monthly Seed Topics

Here’s what I’m thinking of as the topics for each month’s meeting but this can change depending on what everyone’s seed needs and desires are in the mentorship.

I’ve tried to fit the topics to the part of the season where they will be most useful to you.


All session are on Wednesdays from 7pm to 9pm Eastern. Each session will be recorded so you can rewatch later if you wish.


  • Choose your seed crops and set up your record keeping on May 15. I'll guide you through how to choose seed crops that will fit well into your farm. We’ll touch on seed lot numbers and planning. There will be some spreadsheets here to support keeping track of your seed harvest and cleaning during the coming season.
  • Plant selection and genetic improvement on June 12 Selecting what you let go to seed to maintain, adapt, and improve your varieties. We’ll get into plant breeding and how it’s easier than you think!
  • Seed harvest and cleaning part I on July 24 Getting your seed HQ set up, making sure you have what you need on hand and we’ll start getting into specific crops.
  • Seed harvest and cleaning part 2 on August 14 More seed harvest and cleaning. We’ll get into more crops and make sure all your seed work is going smoothly as we’re getting into the peak of the growing season.
  • Seed storage and germination on September 18 We’ll also get into inventory management and explore different options that you might use on your farm.
  • Sharing and distributing seed on October 16 Sharing and distributing seed. The range of this presentation and conversation will depend on who is in the mentorship and whether you want to focus on growing bulk seed on contract, selling seed through your seed company, or how to make sure you’re sharing good quality seed with your community.


Your Personal Seed Projects

 As part of the mentorship, you choose one to three crops that you want to work with over the season. Any seed crop is good - vegetables, cut flowers, herbs, grains, you name it.These can be new seed crops that you’ve never grown before or a seed crop that you want to do something different with. It could also be a breeding project.

At the beginning of the season you’ll present what you’re hoping for for your seed projects. These will be the main projects we’ll touch base on over the growing season

I’m curious to see what you want to work on!

I’d love to have you join the mentorship!

Get notified when registration for The Seed Farmer Mentorship open again!


If you want to be notified when registration will open again, you can sign up to get my weekly seedy emails.


  - Dan Brisebois